3 Things To Compare When Choosing A New Auto Insurance Policy
As a vehicle owner, you must have a valid auto insurance policy to legally drive. There are lots of insurance options available on the market, which can make it confusing to choose one that will fit your needs the best. Here are a few things to compare when choosing an auto insurance policy that should help make the process easier:
Discount and Billing Options
It's important to compare discount and billing options when deciding which auto insurance policy to invest in. There are lots of ways to get discounts on your insurance rates, but not all companies offer the same discount options. Request a list of discount options from any insurance company you consider working with so you can determine exactly how much money you can save on your insurance payments. Some discount options to look for include:
- Safe driving
- Multiple vehicle coverage
- Military service
- Auto upgrades
- Driving course completion
- GPS tracking
The more options you qualify for, the more money you can expect to save on your auto insurance policy overall.
You should also compare billing options. Are weekly or monthly payment plans available? Is there a service fee for choosing a payment plan instead of a lump sum payment? Is a discount offered for choosing automatic withdrawals for your payments? Make sure these questions are answered before deciding whether to invest in a particular insurance policy.
Both deductibles and limitations should be considered and compared when deciding on an auto insurance policy to invest in. If you're like most people, you don't get in accidents often, if at all. Therefore, it can be easy to overlook the deductible when comparing insurance policies since you've likely rarely paid one in the past.
But there is always a chance of getting into an accident, so you should make sure that you won't be charged an arm and a leg if you have to make a claim during the life of your insurance policy. You should know exactly how much you'll have to pay whether an accident is your fault or not.
The Claims Process
You should also find out what the claims process is like when comparing auto insurance policies to one another. Can claims be filed online or just over the phone? How long does it take for a claim to get processed? What kind of paperwork will need to accompany a claim? Make a list of questions you have about the claims process to ensure that they're all answered before deciding whether to buy a prospective insurance policy.