Tips To Maximize Your Vehicle Damage Claim
If your vehicle has been damaged in an accident, then you are obviously interested in maximizing your auto insurance payout. Here are some tips to help you achieve the objective:
Minimize the Damage to the Original One
Most car damages quickly lead to further damages if no mitigating measures are taken for them. For example, a blown out tire will lead to wheel and rim damage if it isn't fixed in and superficial water damage can quickly lead to rusting and electrical damage. Therefore, if your car has been damaged, you should take measures to prevent further damage because your insurance company might not even pay for them. This is because the insurance company will consider the subsequent damages as caused by your negligence, and insurance companies only pay for accidental damages.
Don't Fix the Damage before an Inspection
Although you should take steps to minimize the initial damage, you should not fix the actual damage before your insurer inspects the car. Give your insurance company the chance to inspect the car and ascertain the damages you are claiming; otherwise, it might just suspect you of fraud. Don't forget that some damages, especially those that require part replacement, may not be easy to spot after a repair.
Save Receipts For All Expenses Related To the Damage
A typical car accident comes with numerous expenses, and your car insurance company should compensate you for all these expenses provided they are genuine. For example, after an accident, you may need a rental car while your car is being repaired, you will need to make calls to your insurance company or rental car companies and you may also incur emergency towing services, among other expenses. You need to save all the receipts for these expenses so that you can prove to your insurer that you incurred them as a result of the accident. Otherwise, you may have a problem proving to your insurer that you should be compensated for them.
Make Some of the Repairs Own Your Own
A nifty trick for saving on car repairs, and keeping some of the insurance money after an accidental damage, is to make some of the repairs on your own. Of course, this is only advisable if you have some knowledge and experience of auto mechanic damage. Also, note that this may not be possible in all situations; for example, the financier of the car loan (assuming you haven't finished the payments) may have a say on who repairs the car. Don't forget that you will be on your own if you go down this route and identify further damages or complications somewhere down the line.