Reasons You Should Do An Annual Rate Check With Your Auto Insurance
When you purchase an auto insurance policy, you should not simply pay the premiums and ignore the policy for the next 5 or 10 years. Instead, you should check into it at least once a year to see if you have the right coverage and to see if you are getting the best deal. When you do this, it is called an annual rate check, and here are three reasons to get an annual rate check on your auto insurance policy:
Will Insurance Cover Damages If You Hit Your Own Vehicle?
It seems like something that would only happen in a comedy movie. You're pulling into your driveway and, for one reason or another, you hit a second vehicle you own. Although auto insurance exists to pay for damages and losses caused by accidents, whether this type of incident is covered depends on the kind of policy you have.
Only Covered Under Collision
Damage caused by you to a vehicle you own is only covered under collision insurance.